What is acupressure?

Acupressure is a system that strengthens the internal organs of the body to assist in preventing illness and relieving pain. Pressure is placed on certain points of the body to direct the flow of energy. Acupressure has been practiced for approximately 4,000 years.

What does it help?

A few examples:

By balancing the energy that flows in the Lung meridian, the body can:

1) process oxygen more efficiently to nourish muscles
2) relieve pain in the neck, shoulders and forelegs
3) help to prevent respiratory infections
4) help the body to heal skin infections and hair loss
5) aid in the horse's work ethic and ability to focus

By balancing the energy that flows through the digestive system
(Stomach, Spleen/Pancreas, Large & Small Intestine Meridians), the body can:

1) process food more efficiently to nourish muscles
2) help to prevent digestive upset such as gas or colic
3) boost the immune system and cleanse the lymph system
4) relieve pain and support muscles
5) provide a calming effect

By balancing the energy that flows through the Endocrine system
(Spleen, Pancreas and Glands including the Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenals and Pineal), the body can:

1) control peristalsis, which is the movement of food through the digestive tract
2) control how it processes starches and sugars in the diet
3) control menstrual cycles in mares
4) maintain balance in horses with diseases such as Cushings or Insulin Resistance

By balancing the Liver, Kidney and Bladder meridians, the body can:

1) flush toxins and waste products which can cause cramping and muscle soreness
2) control movement of the diaphragm to aid efficient breathing for athletes
3) control eye movement
4) relieve pain in the back, hips and hind legs
​5) manage aggressive behavior

By balancing the Heart, Pericardium and Triple Heater
(Hypothalmus and Pineal Glands) meridians, the body can:

1) support the vascular system
2) balance emotions, such as stress, fear, frustration or grief
3) help the horse to focus, particularly in training or competition
4) help the horse's body regulate internal temperature, and cope with changes in external temperature
5) promote relaxation, which is especially important in certain disciplines

How does it work?

Just like the horse’s body contains a circulatory system, a digestive system or an endocrine system, it also contains an energy system that supports all the other systems. This is called the Meridian System.

Think of how electricity runs through your house. It is one big network that connects the switches in each room. When all the switches are turned on, the light bulbs begin to glow, your refrigerator can keep your food cold, your washing machine can clean your clothes, etc. But if you start turning off switches, it stops the electricity from flowing to certain parts of the house. Lights go off, appliances stop running, and pretty soon you are standing in the dark with spoiled food and dirty clothes!

The same thing happens in a horse’s body. The Meridian System is similar to the electrical network, and the acupressure points are similar to the light switches. It is the job of the Acupressure Therapist to make sure that all the light switches are in the ON position, so energy can flow evenly to all the systems that need it.

You can also think of the Meridian System like an interstate road system. You can drive all the way from Maryland to California, if you follow the correct roads. Similarly, the Acupressure Practitioner can press a point on the horse’s leg and influence it’s stomach, because they are all connected by these superhighways under the skin.