Nicole Watts
CAAMT, CVT is an Internationally Renowned Expert in the field of Holistic Animal Wellness
and Natural Performance Enhancement Therapies.
Performance Equine Therapy
Keep your horses feeling and performing their best! Acupressure and massage balances the energy that flows through your horses circulatory system, digestive system and endocrine system for long term and well being.
Partnering with Devoucoux Saddles
EquiZen Performance Equine Therapy is SO EXCITED to partner with Devoucoux Saddles in 2023!!!! I love how well my own horse moves in this saddle, and I can't wait to introduce this brand to my clients in FL, SC, NC, VA & MD!!!!
Nicole Watts, CAAMT, CVT, is an Internationally Renowned Expert in the field of Holistic Animal Wellness
and Natural Performance Enhancement Therapies.
Nicole has an innate way of working with horses, being the horse's voice, making them feel better inside and out and understanding the meridians beyond performance.
-Eric Dierks